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What Is Copywriting 101: The Only Guide You Will Ever Need

Copywriting is the art of writing text that can be used in a variety of ways. Copywriters are typically hired to write ads, articles, blogs, and social media posts.
What Is Copywriting 101: The Only Guide You Will Ever Need

What Is Copywriting?

Copywriting is the process of writing content that contains unique, targeted, and relevant information to persuade a person or an audience. Copywriters must be able to tell stories through words and build an emotional connection with the reader.

So, copywriting is the art of encouraging people to take action with words. It is something you can achieve yourself or with a team.

What Is the Purpose of Copywriting?

Copywriting uses words to influence people's thinking, feeling, or behavior in a certain way.

It utilizes language that can persuade readers and create conversions. Copywriters write content that sells and helps businesses grow. Copywriting works best when it is clear, concise, and focused on the customer's needs.

So, it is the art of encouraging people to take action with words. It is something you can achieve yourself or with a team.

What Is the Difference Between Copywriting and Content Writing?

Copywriting and content writing are terms often used interchangeably, but there is a distinction between the two. Copywriting is more focused on the sales side of things, while content strategy is what drives content writing. Content strategy can vary greatly- educating people, solving their problems, engaging them, or telling your brand story.

Copywriting is a more specialized form of writing that centers around driving conversions. It's focused on the last stage of the buyer's journey whenever they are ready to purchase. Content writing, on the other hand, covers the whole marketing funnel and focuses on engaging potential customers and getting them to take action.

Copywriting is a specialized form of writing that creates persuasive sales letters, landing pages, video sales letters (VSLs), and emails. The goal of copywriting is to get the reader to take a specific desired action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a service.

Copywriting and content writing are two different skills. Copywriting is psychology-driven; it's about understanding how to influence emotions and get them to take action. Content writing, on the other hand, is more data-driven and focuses on SERP (search engine results page) analysis and competitor analysis to understand what content is working well for keywords.

Copywriters are a crucial part of any company. They work with the sales, product, design, and customer service team to make compelling and persuasive content that drives conversions.

What Are Similarities Between Copywriting and Content Marketing?

  1. Copywriters and content writers use storytelling to sell a product, idea, or service. They understand the target audience and what will persuade them to take action.
  2. Additionally, copywriters are often responsible for creating headlines, calls to action, and other elements to compel readers to keep scrolling.
  3. Both need creativity, research skills, attention to detail, and excellent communication abilities.
  4. They create content that follows the brand voice and aligns with the brand message.
  5. Both require understanding the buyer persona and creating valuable and relevant content that engages the target audience. Ultimately, this helps businesses achieve their marketing goals.
  6. Two roles demand a deep understanding of what the customer wants and needs. To create good copy or content, you must be able to put yourself in the customer's shoes and understand their motivations.

Who Are Copywriters and What Do They Do in Content Marketing?

Copywriters work in multiple industries and often specialize in a particular type of writing, such as web copy, email marketing, or social media posts.

They are the backbone of any content marketing strategy and are responsible for creating content that sells products, educates and engages consumers, and drives conversions. In other words, they advocate the company's brand and message.

Copywriters are an essential part of content marketing - they write website content and other marketing communication vehicles to help promote a company or product to the audience on target.

Copywriters have a range of responsibilities, such as brainstorming concepts, developing storyboards, writing, editing, and proofreading copy to ensure it is error-free and engaging.

They work with marketing and creative teams to develop strategies for communicating the company's message to its customers.

Who Uses Copywriters?

Today everyone needs copywriters because they are a cornerstone for developing relationships with audiences and constructing a decent online presence.

  • Businesses
  • Non-governmental organizations
  • Governmental organizations

How Can You Become a Copywriter?

Copywriting is a skill used to increase conversions. 

Copywriting requires a lot of time and energy. It also takes a deep understanding of marketing principles.

As a copywriter, you should know how to write images or meta descriptions in search engines. You also need to be curious and excited about your work as well as versed in other industries so that you can write about them with authority.

 Finally, you must have a good amount of language skills so that your writing sounds natural and error-free.

What Is SEO Marketing Copywriting?

SEO marketing copywriting focuses on the words and phrases used when describing your website. It is crucial for SEO because it will help to increase your website's visibility, which is essential for overall SEO success.

Writing Copy in Marketing

Writing copy in marketing strives to craft a message that matches the target market. The key components to writing compelling copy are

  • Understand your audience
  • Craft compelling content
  • Tailor your message to the different stages of a consumer's buying process.

Marketing copy typically moves users to make an informed decision about whether or not your product is worth their time and money.

What Is the Role of Copywriting in Marketing?

Copywriting is a fundamental part of marketing. It includes writing texts that target the customer and convince them to purchase your product or service. Copywriters often work with designers and marketers to help create ads, websites, product packaging, or other marketing materials.

What Are the Benefits of Copywriting?

Increases Conversion Rates

Copywriting is the key to establishing a content marketing strategy to reach today's customers efficiently and effectively. It is your key to unlocking your sales potential because copywriters can deliver your message at the right place and time.

With the persuasive and interactive superpower of copywriters, businesses can improve conversions.

Builds a Company Image

Copywriting is all about making people feel good about what they are reading. When you produce great content, it reflects positively on your company and helps to build a strong brand identity. People will start seeing you as an expert in your field, leading to increased business opportunities. In addition,

Content Marketing leaves behind intrusive advertisements in favor of education. This type of marketing is far more effective in the long run, as customers are more likely to respond positively to well-crafted content than they are too flashy ads. As a result, businesses that invest in quality copywriting and content marketing will see a significant return on investment over time.

Humanizes Your Brand

Brand copywriting is about finding out what your audience wants and presenting the information in the right voice. When you speak to people in a way they understand, it humanizes your brand. To do this, you need to know who your target market is and what their needs are.

Building long-term relationships require a strong emotional response. People buy based on a mixture result of emotion and logic. That's why brands try to evoke an emotional reaction with their copywriting. Customers are more likely to buy from you if they have this special feeling toward your brand.

Customers of the digital era expect brands to boost positivity, share positive stories, and create strong emotional responses with their brand copywriting. So, copywriting creates unique experiences for consumers, rather than just proving that a brand is better than its competitors. If you can make buying from you an enjoyable experience, customers will be more likely to visit again.

Builds Relationships

90% of businesses use content marketing - it is no surprise why. Creating valuable content takes a lot of work. But it pays off in the long run.

No success is possible without having loyal customers who trust your company and have a history of connection with you. But, building trust requires a lot of dedication to answer customers' needs or questions, map their journeys, meet the marketing funnel, etc. It is impossible to achieve without qualified copywriters.

Copywriters are the wording magics that can engage with your audience and make them feel welcomed, valued, and informed.

Improves Rankings

Indeed, effective SEO copywriting can help improve your website's search engine rankings. Copywriters are often SEO gurus who produce keyword-rich copies that are perfectly on-page optimized.

So, they know how to deliver valuable content and fusion it with SEO requirements. As a result, you will receive improved positions in SERPS and generate better-qualified traffic for your products and services.

What Are Types of Copywriting?

SEO-Optimized Copywriting

SEO copywriting strives to integrate keywords strategically to derive the attention of search engines and provide value and the best reading experience for readers.

Marketers use SEO to improve the discoverability of their brand and develop the best cost-effective strategy that is customer obsessed.

It has the potential to pull qualified traffic to your website and potentially convert them into buyers.

This approach uses different tactics to signal search engines that the page is the best choice for specific queries. 

Here are the elements of SEO copywriting.

  • Blogs
  • Keyword
  • Titles
  • Meta descriptions
  • Navigation texts
  • Questions 
  • Headings and subheadings

The goal is to bring traffic to your website and, with SEO tactics, keep them as long as possible on the page.

Website Copywriting

Website content writing is the process of creating compelling copy - landing pages, blogs, product pages, etc. It ensures a website's visitors gain actionable information, which can then lead to conversion.

It is also a great way to understand your visitors and see on which page they spend the most time and what topics interest them.

what is copywriting? website copywriting example

Social Media Copywriting

Social media copywriting is the art of crafting content that engages your audience on social platforms. Social media copywriters are responsible for creating share-worthy, compelling and influential posts to help build engagement, influence behavior, and drive sales.

Social media is an ideal space for brands to showcase their personality and develop long-term relationships with their audience. 

As a brand, your goal when crafting post content on Facebook shouldn't be identical to that on TikTok or Instagram posts. For example, on Instagram, you might want to show off products and use creative storytelling techniques to keep users engaged. Whereas - on Facebook, you would write action-focused social media copy that encourages people to act like visiting your website or buying a product.

what is copywriting? - social media copywriting

Email Copywriting

Email copywriting is the process of writing an email that will convince a current or prospective customer to take a specific action, such as clicking on a link or making a purchase. Copywriters use their skills to create persuasive emails that can result in increased sales and conversions.

Copywriting for email is a little different from other types of copywriting. Copywriters make the subject line and body content effective by getting users to convert, whether clicking through to a landing page or making a purchase.

Copywriting for emails is no different from other forms of marketing. To be effective, your email copywriting must be persuasive, relevant, and interesting to your audience.

Ad Copywriting (Advertising Copywriter)

Advertising copy is a form of branded content. It takes the place of the traditional interaction between a potential buyer and a salesperson by highlighting benefits and addressing any issues. Compelling ad copy communicates how the company's product or service can solve problems. Ad copywriters use compliments, cost savings, discounts, and free trials to entice potential buyers into making a purchase.

Copywriting for Commercials

TV commercials are short, one- to two-minute advertisements that precede and run during a show. The commercial encourages people who watch the show advertised in the ad to watch the show in question. TV commercial copywriting aims to create a clear and compelling message that people will want to consume.

Direct Response Copywriting

Direct response copywriting is a way of writing that encourages people to make an immediate purchase by using persuasive language. 

Direct response copywriting focuses on the immediate actions as soon as readers consume the content.

It uses the same formula as marketing but instead has one goal in mind: getting people to convert sales.

Direct response copywriting is marketing text that communicates what a company offers and why they are the best choice.

Landing Page Copywriting

A landing page should have one clear focus or goal, such as signing up for a newsletter, downloading an ebook, or making a purchase. Everything on the page should support this goal and compel visitors to take action.

Landing pages are best for increasing conversion rates and lowering cost per acquisition (CPA). It is because they allow businesses to focus all of their energy on one target audience at a time, rather than spreading attention across different channels like a website homepage, product descriptions, etc. As a result, visitors are more likely to take the desired action.

Additionally, businesses should tailor their copy according to their target audience and what they're trying to achieve. For example, homepage copy should snag attention and keep the audience around, while the About Us page determines the company story and culture.

Product Page Copy

Product page copy summarizes the key benefits and features that will be most helpful to your audience. It should address all points, but not in such detail as to make the page too cluttered.

Brochure Copywriting

Brochure copywriting is the art of writing a sales letter for an object or service that can be printed and handed out to potential customers. This copywriting type convinces the reader that they should buy the product or service.

It should be clear, concise, and attractive to ensure that the reader can remember and understand a product's key features impressively.

B2B Copywriting

Copywriting is the art of writing text persuasively to encourage or persuade someone. B2B copywriting refers to marketing and advertising targeted at businesses with other business professionals as their primary audience.

B2b copywriting ensures your brand marketing and sales messages are received by the right people promptly. B2B copywriting is important because it's essential to creating brand awareness and credibility. 

It can also help you improve the overall sales funnel through intelligent lead generation, increasing conversion rates, and driving revenue.

White Paper

White paper copywriting refers to the process of writing a copy that contains an argument, develops a point, and provides evidence in support. White papers target people who want to learn more about a specific topic and typically use persuasive pieces of content.

It hands companies opportunities to showcase their authority and generate leads by creating gated landing pages. Their customers should give away their information to receive the white paper.


Another example of gated content includes an e-book. 

An E-book is long-form content that introduces readers to valuable information regarding their interests. 

Ebook is a convenient marketing asset for attracting qualified leads and gathering data about your customers. It will help you later create a more personalized content experience for your readers.

Case Study

Case studies are an excellent way to demonstrate how your product or service makes a difference in real-life scenarios. They also allow you to provide more information on the process, the result, and what the user learned or experienced.

Case studies are valuable marketing tools because they provide users with a behind-the-scenes look at the successes of companies that implemented your product. They help people see what you're capable of and give them a reason in a story form to be interested in knowing more.

E-Commerce Copywriting

E-commerce copywriting refers to writing product descriptions and content for websites that sell goods or services. The main goal of e-commerce copywriting is to help shoppers decide whether the product is worth a buy or not.

E-commerce copywriting is a wide range of tasks that are needed for you to bring your product or service to life. It can include - creating content, creating ads, creating emails, and working with social media.

Product Description Copywriting

Product description copywriting is the part of marketing where one creates a concise, compelling, and persuasive text that will convince prospects to buy your product. 

Product descriptions are a description of your product that helps to describe its features and benefits, which can help users make an informed decision about buying it.

The product description is the first thing a user will read when deciding whether to buy your product. It consists of information about what makes your products unique and how they help.

Product Advertisements

Product advertisements are like any other advertisement designed to reach and persuade a targeted audience. The main difference with product ads includes offering new or different products based on their personal preferences and needs.

A product advertisement is a commercial which advertises the sale of a particular type of good or service. The channel for representing product advertisement might include:

  • Television broadcasting
  • Online media
  • Print media

Script Copywriting

Script writing refers to creating these scripts, in many contexts, like movies, TV shows, or video games. Scripts can be written on any topic and help convey a specific point of view or evoke an emotion in the viewer/reader.

what is copywriting - script copywriting

What Are Excellent Copywriting Skills?

Copywriters are in high demand these days, as more and more businesses recognize the value of the good copy. Copywriting skills help you create compelling ads, write website content that drives traffic, and generate leads that turn into sales.

Topic Research Skills

Research is the skill that helps writers to jack up their trustworthiness - better understand the topic and audience needs to create the copy that resonates with them.

Copywriters need to be able to research and gather and structure all the necessary information. It may involve conducting interviews, reviewing data, or studying the competition. A copywriter's work often includes blog posts, articles, and text-based content.

Keyword Research Skills

Keyword research is the process of finding keywords or phrases that your website might rank for on search engines like Google. It's a critical part of any SEO strategy which helps you determine what keywords or phrases people might be typing on search engines to find your site.

So, Keyword research is an integral part of the copywriting process. Selecting the right keywords is essential for building up SEO success.

During the past years, Google has changed its algorithms. But the role of keyword research stays prominent.

If you look forward to conducting keyword research, use these tools

SEMrush- a keyword research tool

Ahref - Keywords Explorer

Ability to Simplify Complex

No matter the topic or industry, copywriting experts convey their messages simply and straightforwardly.

As Einstein noted, “If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough".

Copywriters should transfer the most complicated topics into easy-to-understand texts for the average person. 

How can you achieve this?

  • See the world into average readers' eyes - empathy matters in this field.
  • Break down the information into smaller pieces.
  • Use everyday language without extra technical terms.

Sentence Structure and Grammar

These skills help copywriters produce engaging, readable, and distraction-free texts that lead readers through the copy.

Grammarly is a tool that helps you avoid spelling and grammar mistakes. It has a helpful online writing tool that analyzes your text as you write it, pointing out errors and providing feedback. Grammarly also contains a tone-recognition tool for when you need to tweak your message to appeal to specific audiences.

Conversational Writing

Great copywriters should write conversationally, just like friends interact with each other. Everyone enjoys friendly gatherings and listening to their compelling stories.

Conversational writing is a style of writing that uses everyday language to communicate with the reader. When you read this type of copy, it feels like you are talking with the writer.

Some hallmarks of conversational writing include: using contractions, using first and second-person pronouns (I, you), and being informal.

SEO Knowledge

SEO knowledge of content includes writing copies in a style that gets ranked for the specific keywords, makes the page discoverable, and meets the search intent.


Everyone enjoys working with copywriters who are receptive to feedback as it helps the client achieve the desired goal and drives writers to perceive the text from readers' eyes. 

How to Get a Copywriting Job?

Master the Basics of Copywriting

Copywriting is a form of writing which shares certain essential principles, such as being able to make the text more engaging. Copywriting differs from other forms of writing because it focuses on the "copy" aspect and is used for marketing purposes. For this reason, copywriters develop communication strategies and interview customers. Additionally, copywriters may need to write website content, emails, or social media posts.

Copywriting is just one job type that a copywriter may do, such as developing marketing funnels or designing sales pages. To get a job in writing, you must start from within your field of work and work your way up. However, learning how to write is the easiest and quickest way to enter the industry. Writing is significant because it can be the only way for a business to communicate with its customers. A copywriter with a poor writing style will get fewer opportunities to climb the career ladder.

Learn to Write Using the Every-Day Language

Copywriting should be conversational, with a casual tone that doesn't rush. It will make your writing more approachable and help it to connect with the reader. Listen to your words out loud after you compose them to see if you cringe; if so, go back and revise until it sounds better. A copywriter needs strong writing skills. In addition, a love of words and language, combined with a broad vocabulary, is essential for success as a copywriter.

Pick Your Niche

Copywriters should find a niche to focus on and become known for it. Once you've mastered your chosen niche, you want to become the go-to expert in that field. 

Niching down copywriters stand out and have more credibility. Niched-down copywriters charge more for their services because they specialize in one area of copywriting. Niching down allows you to build deeper relationships with your clients, helping them with areas of their business that they need help with but don't know where to start or what it would take to fix the issue.

 Niching down gives a copywriter access to more opportunities. It's easier to write about what you're passionate about. It makes your work more enjoyable for you and your clients--something generalists should start by focusing on specific areas - so they don't experience burnout if they spend too long focusing on one writing area.

Improve Your Copywriting Experience - Practice

One of the best ways to improve your writing skills is to practice, practice, and more practice - the more you write, the better you'll get. You can start by writing for yourself, then for your friends, and then voluntarily for small companies.

Register at Freelancing Platform

When starting as a copywriter, one way to find work is to register on a freelancing platform. There are many platforms available, each with its unique approach.

These platforms can connect you with clients all over the globe looking for entry-level copywriters who can charge low for their services. After you get your first client, you can pave the way to higher levels, diversify your portfolio and increase the price accordingly.

You can use freelancing platforms Upwork and Fivver, and try to pursue your copywriting career goals. Also, you can register at the greatcontent marketplace where you can connect with clients around the world from a wide range of industries - sports, fashion, e-commerce, travel, finance, etc.

Generate Referrals

Once you kickstart a career in copywriting and dedicate yourself to personal growth, you will generate referrals and build a network ready to use your service whenever needed.

Referrals are the ultimate testimonials from an established 1-to-1 connection between friends, employers, or business colleagues. If you're looking for ways to generate more referrals, start by creating a personal relationship with your referral source.

Building a personal network is one of the most important things you can do when starting your career to achieve more success. All you have to focus on is to give 100% of your job, be open to feedback, and get the client the copy he wants.

So, dedication will unlock your professional potential to have an outstanding network.

How to Nail the Fundamentals of Copywriting

Discover the SEO Principles

SEO is a process that can be learned and improved over time. The goal of SEO is to get your website to rank on relevant terms, which helps generate leads.

For a copywriter to rank on the front page of Google, it's important to publish high-quality content consistently. A copywriter can also build a channel that generates continual traffic and revenue using SEO principles.

SEO takes time to scale. But you can study and practice it via niche searches and keyword research. Copywriting is one of the best channels for SEO because it has many benefits over other digital marketing strategies such as writing on its own merits, scalability, and Google's algorithm staying stable over the last 20 years.
Download our All-In-One SEO content white paper and learn about search engine optimization.

Implement Keyword Research

Keyword research is essential before writing a piece of content. It helps you identify potential keywords, brainstorm ideas, and find a keyword phrase that works well with your article's tone. The keyword research process includes the following stages:

1) Identify potential keywords

2) Brainstorm ideas

3) Find a keyword phrase that works well with your article's tone

4) Create a list of related keywords

5) Use the keywords in your article

6) Check for plagiarism

7) Publish your content

Learn Attention-Grabbing Headline Copywriting

Copywriting is about grabbing readers' attention and convincing them to take action. One way to do this is by using a bold, attention-grabbing headline. 

Practice your ability to compose headlines that are impossible to ignore. You should include what your customers will get from your product in a few words.

Define the Value Proposition

A value proposition is a concise statement that communicates what a business offers and how it's different from competitors. It's an essential part of any piece of writing, whether it's for a website or a brochure.

When you can succinctly articulate the unique value that your company provides, you'll be able to hook your readers and get them excited about what you have to offer.

Your concentration should stay on the value proposition and build the copies around the points that set you apart from the competition.

Master 1v1 Conversational Tone

A conversational tone is used in marketing and communication to sound more like an informal conversation, giving the impression that it's more personal. It makes people feel as if they are not just talking to a company but a person.

So, remember to build the image of a person that represents the whole target audience. After that, talk with them as you do with your friends.

Learn the Sales Copywriting

Learning sales copywriting gives you the skills to create persuasive content and push readers to buy from you.

The ability to write sales copy is an exceptional skill that can make or break your career.

Learn the Email Copywriting

Email copywriting is a skill that can help you build trust with your audience, increase brand loyalty and improve the overall effectiveness of email marketing. Email copywriting requires brands to learn how to create compelling offers, which will help them to gain a loyal and engaged following.

Learn the Ad Copywriting

Email copywriting is a skill that can help you build trust with your audience, increase brand loyalty and improve the overall effectiveness of email marketing. It requires you to know how to create compelling offers, helping you gain a loyal and engaged following for your company.

Copywriting Insights: What Is the Process of Copywriting Work?

Generating Ideas

One way to generate ideas for copy is by thinking about how your product relates to the people who might use it. For instance, if you are developing a diet plan app that helps users lose weight, you might think about what the people who use your app are going through and how they could relate to that. You would then write a copy meant to help those people get closer.

Researching Target Customer

If you are writing for your target customer, use the language they speak and understand. Research the audience and understand how people talk about topics in their own words. It's crucial to be accurate and inclusive while writing for your target customer so they feel like you understand them personally.

Setting the Right Tone

Setting the right writing tone is critical for several reasons, including communicating your brand voice and story. 

The tone of a piece of writing refers to the attitude conveyed by the text. It can be lighthearted, whimsical and playful, and serious. To set the right tone for your writing, consider the following points: 

  • Who is your audience
  • What do they want to hear
  • What are the main points of your piece?
  • In what way and tone do they like to receive the information?

For example, if your audience's age ranges from 55-65, you may want to opt for a formal writing tone.

Writing Effective Copy

Copies help your company stand out in a crowded marketplace. You should be clear, concise, and engaging when you write content for marketing purposes.

Writing copy is a process of crafting content that consistently meets user needs, avoids common mistakes, and can spark interest. It requires using your target audience's language, being consistent, and creating an engaging narrative.

Editing Copy

Editing copy is a process that involves editing text, including grammar, spelling, and punctuation to improve the readability of your copy. 

You should ensure that your content meets the needs of your audience.

Check Wikipedia Pages

Wikipedia is an ultimate encyclopedia that can guide your content writing.

Visit and search for the broad keyword. It will give you a list of pages that have your desired keyword or phrase in their title.

In most cases, the result list will be lengthy. You will need to skim through the results to find the most relevant pages. Then check the table of contents for that topic.

Explore Reddit Threads

Reddit is a social news and entertainment website where users can submit content - links or text posts, which are then voted up or down by other members. The topics are divided into subreddits. So, it is a social place for individuals passionate in various fields.

You can find subreddits for any industry and explore topics your target customers are interested in. 

The most important part is to master how to navigate through this gigantic website and find relevant questions for your industry.

  • Biggest challenge
  • Tip
  • Help me
  • Understand
  • How to

Analyze Amazon Comments

Amazon product reviews are valuable for your content topic identification. 

For example, if your brand specializes in web development, search for similar books on Amazon and read customer reviews.

Focus on negative reviews. It will help you understand what customers crave. 

After that, you will create the copies around missing points and set yourself apart from the competition.

Conduct Customer Surveys

Customer surveys support you in creating copy that speaks directly to the target audience. They provide insight into what made the customer buy and make it a priority. This information can be invaluable in helping to develop persuasive content.

Interviews are like customer surveys, but they dig deeper with follow-up questions. You can also ask your customers to paint a picture of their business and challenges. This type of feedback is especially helpful in developing persuasive content.

One-way surveys are not always helpful, especially if they don't ask the right questions. You must take the time to understand your customer before sending them a survey. Thus, craft relevant questions that will help you achieve your goals.

Track Social Media Activities

Monitor social media activities and join the relevant industry groups to understand the language of your audience and meet their needs.

Skim through Online Courses Table of Content

There are multiple online course platforms available that can guide your content creation process.

So, visit your favorite online course website, select the preferable online course and check its table of content. It will give you directions on what to include in your pieces.

What Are Some Strong Copywriting Strategies?


AIDA, or "Attention, Interest / Desire, Action" is a marketing framework that breaks down the different stages of an online user's journey. 

Albert Ciuriak first proposed this approach in his pioneering book "Marketing Warfare" in 1997.

The AIDA formula defines a structure for a text - attention, interest, desire, and action. The acronym stands for:

Attention - is the first step in creating a successful marketing message. It's vital to capture the audience's attention with a catchy headline or subject line. 

You might 

  • Make bold statements such as - keywords are dead!
  • Start with the statistics - did you know that 4 million blogs are published daily?
  • Ask a question - do you want to increase your conversion?

Interest - reinforces attention by providing more details about what was captured in the opening sentence or paragraph. It helps keep the reader engaged so they will continue reading until they reach the desired outcome.

Desire - you slowly build desire, but it's rooted in factual information like statistics, while the user's goal is more emotional (to buy something). Try to offer them specific solutions to their pain points.

When done correctly, this persuasion stage will cause the reader to take action and convert it into a desired product or service.

At this point, the action should be clear - conversion into a desired product or service.

Make sure to place your main keyword in the title and use strong calls to action throughout your text to inspire readers to take further steps.


A hook - the first line or opening of a story that craves to capture readers' attention. It throws customers into action and arouses their curiosity with different techniques: questions, statistics, and pain points.


Stories are important in marketing because they provide a brand with the opportunity to share its value propositions. They allow brands to connect and build trust with their target audience by sharing stories that are relevant to them. It can also help to drive conversions by providing clear examples of how a product or service has helped others.

Today the way people consume information has changed. Back in the past, brands interacted with customers through traditional mediums - they crushed our favorite tv shows, placed an ad in newspapers, etc.

Today the sales pitch approach does not work anymore! Brands do not use one-way communication as much today and try to build personal relationships with their customers. 

How is this possible? With story-oriented content that engages readers and drags them into it. Nobody likes to read copies that are too needy for sales.

Benefits > Features

When it comes to product copywriting, it is essential to prioritize benefits over features. 

After all, your customers don't care or don't understand the technical language of your features. They try to know what your product can do for them. 

There are product descriptions that tell and product descriptions that sell.

E-commerce stores count on words to attract customers, convince them and sell. 

In 2001, the iPod launch revolutionized product marketing - instead of conveying "4GB of storage" Apple went for "1000 songs into your pocket".

iPod was not the first MP3 player on the market back and not the cheapest one. Other companies were already selling identical products with identical features, but the iPod became the flagship MP3 player.

And don't get us wrong, we are not proving that features are not valuable to your product descriptions but using them for the main message. No

Do not just sell a product - sell an experience, and now we will explain how

1. The key is to think with customers' heads - they are paying money to get actual benefits. 

2. Think about your product features because they make the product beneficial and understand how these features fix users' problems or simplify their lives. 

For example, the sneaker future is a flexible sole that gives people comfort. So you can form the message like: Smoothness in every step.

Before - After - Bridge

Before - in this part, you emphasize the problem and any pain point that made your customers' life hard. 

After- here you describe the improved situation that has helped users overcome their issues and made their routine easier. 

Bridge - in this section, you present the solution that gets readers to the ideal place. For example - your service, product, etc.

Social Proof

Social proof is defined as "the tendency of people to conform to the actions of others under the assumption that they are knowledgeable about what they are doing." 

Social proof is the psychological phenomenon that says people want to believe others - specifically, their peers—when they decide something. 

Individuals tend to believe a statement more if many other people are likely to agree with it. Social proof can help make decisions, but there must be a significant number of people who agree with the statement for it to be effective.

Including social proof above the fold on your website is one way to ensure that potential customers see this information immediately.

You can also use social media platforms - Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn, to highlight customer endorsements and ratings. 

Including social proof in your copywriting is a powerful strategy to help you close more sales.

The social proof appears in the form of testimonials, reviews from other consumers, or even a celebrity endorsing your product.

Fear of Missing Out 

In a world where customers interact with multiple offerings, copies, and ads it is hard to make them buy something. But copywriting gurus often utilize the power of FOMO to create an urgency and make the reader act.

That's why you will see: 8 left in stock, 2 hours until sales end, limited edition, etc.

Call to Action

A Call to action is a phrase or sentence used in an advertisement, website or email campaign that encourages readers to take some form of action. They vary from "click here" to "join our list" and are a great means of attempting to provoke some response.

A call to action is vital for driving conversions. When done well, it will give the users a clear sense of what they need to do next to achieve their goal. It's crucial to keep the call to action clear and concise - so that it works.

What Are Qualities of Good Copywriting?


Copywriting pros know how to grab the reader's attention and maintain a steady flow with structured content.

They know how to get the right words in front of the audience. But the way you present information matters a lot. Imagine plain texts and squeezed letters in it without a table of contents, without paragraphs.

It looks unappealing- doesn't it? And if someone decides to consume the information, their reading experience will be exhaustive.

Great copywriters walk in the customer's shoes and try to provide soft transitions between the writing points, divide content into constituent parts, and deliver the conclusion that logically unites everything.

Structured content also helps potential readers quickly understand what the article is about. Headings, subheadings, and first sentences are essential because they have the power to form the first impression of the article. Additionally, you can repurpose structured content for various platforms with ease.


SEO content is crucial as it influences how your site appears in the SERP and how many people will be inclined to click through to your website. It affects traffic, and engagement rates, impacting your ranking position on search result pages.

SEO is the element that can keep your content alive and consumed for years to come. You can pull the valuable traffic without paying a single penny for advertising, and it is a return for your dedication to giving away the value.

So, copywriters, alongside writing mastery, should understand the principles of search engine optimization and produce copy that covers worthy keywords.


Copywriting is all about crafting copies that lead customers to specific actions further into the marketing funnel.

Goal-oriented writing is writing that focuses on a specific goal. It means the author carefully sets out their intentions, objectives, and strategies to reach those goals in an organized fashion so that the reader understands what is happening.

Action-oriented writing is a type of persuasive communication based on clear, specific, and attainable goals. This form of written persuasion uses measurable results to convince readers that they should adopt a viewpoint.

So, copywriting experts start with an idea in mind - what is the goal of my writing? After that, you will set up the whole process and put the orientation around that purpose.

What Are Some Tips for Writing Headlines That Sell?

Be Specific

Specific headlines sell better than general ones. Your title should tell your prospect exactly what they get by reading your article. Additionally, including numbers in a headline is more compelling than using words. Numbers imply a level of specificity that readers find attractive. As a result, headlines with numbers are more effective than those without them.

Evoke Emotions

The best headlines are emotional. When you evoke an emotional response from your reader, you're more likely to get their attention.

Emotional words can add an extra impact to your headline text - it will help ensure that your readers see and read your headline. 

If they like what they read in the headline, they will stick around for the rest of the article.

Include Number

Including numbers in headlines makes them more compelling and specific. For example, a headline that reads "5 Ways to Turbocharge Your SEO" is more likely to get attention than "Ways to Turbocharge Your SEO." 

Additionally, research has shown that people are more likely to believe crooked numbers than round numbers- so if you're trying to sell a product or service, using an exact figure will make your claims seem more believable.

Use Power Words

There are certain words in any language that elicit a psychological response. These power words trigger emotions, which help to persuade consumers into purchasing products or taking action. 

The power word "monetize" is one such example; it helps to increase sign-ups. Another word that has a similar effect is the word "instantly." It can be hard to resist when used in headlines or pop-ups.

The words convert, grow, and powerful make people want more of the product/service being advertised. Power words are powerful that make people take notice. They create headlines that are convincing and informative. Use them to grab attention and write persuasive headlines.

  • Turbocharge your growth
  • Everything you need to know
  • Accelerate the publishing frequency

Urgency + FOMO

When writing headlines, it's vital not to forget about FOMO- or the fear of missing out. FOMO is a powerful emotion that can compel people to take action, so using it in your headlines can result in higher clickthrough rates.

  • Do not miss the 20% off
  • The sale ends in 22 hours
  • Buy one, get one

A psychological study found that when people feel a sense of urgency, they are more likely to act quickly and less likely to think things through. It can lead to them making poor decisions or taking unnecessary risks.

When used correctly, urgency can be an effective way to get people to take action. For example, if you're looking to sell a product, using phrases such as "limited time offer" or "act now" may encourage people to buy your product.

Write Attention Grabbing Introductions

Use Hooks

There are a variety of techniques that you can use to hook your readers and keep them engaged. Some of these include:

1. Statistics 

2. Facts and Figures – these provide concrete evidence to support your points and make them more believable. In addition, data gives readers more reason to think that what you're saying is true.

3. A/B testing results – when companies increase sales through A/B testing, it proves that the methods used work. It can be a persuasive argument for those who may be on the fence about trying something new.

4. Emotional Appeal – starting with a surprising statement can help engage readers immediately. It also encourages them to ask questions about the topic at hand which will keep them reading until they find answers.

Develop a Story

We are more likely to pass on a story if it's entertaining. A good story is timeless and will help readers remember it. If the intro includes anecdotes or examples, the article will be easier to understand and remember.

To develop a good story, we must first identify our goal. What do we want the reader to do? Once we know that, we can begin tailoring our story accordingly.

If the goal is to persuade or inform, you should provide facts and evidence that support your argument. However, if the goal is to entertain or amuse, you can be more creative in your storytelling.

Use the Word You

When it comes to persuasive writing, you should use the word "you." Why? Because when you use "you," it shows that you're talking directly to the reader. It makes your argument more convincing as if having a conversation with them.

In addition, using "you" also helps readers feel like they are included in the discussion. As a result, they're more likely to be persuaded by your argument.

Keep the First Sentence Short

It's time to start putting what you've learned into practice, land clients, and write more content.

Short sentences make people easier to understand and have a lot of value in an article. However, long, garbled sentences are complex for readers. 

The average sentence length is 12 words, so aim for that when you're writing your introduction. You don't need the practice to be able to write catchy introductions - start putting what you've learned into practice!

Refer to Statistics

People are more likely to read through an article or blog post if it includes statistics. Statistics add credibility to what you're saying and make your argument more persuasive. However, use them sparingly; if there's too much data, it can become destructive.

Describe User Pain point

You can also open your text by describing the familiar situation to your reader. This way, you will grab customers' attention instantly and make readers feel they are at the right place.

Include Command Verbs that Push Readers to Act

When creating a call to action, it's vital to use verbs that push readers to take the desired action. 

Some powerful examples include:

  • Download
  • Buy
  • Subscribe
  • Get a quote

They are command words that help content writers create a sense of urgency and push readers to act at the drop of a hat. Also, using the abovementioned - concise language will guarantee that your message is clear for everyone.

How Do You Create Powerful Calls to Action?

Include Command Verbs that Push Readers to Act

When creating a call to action, it's vital to use verbs that push readers to take the desired action. 

Some powerful examples include:

  • Download
  • Buy
  • Subscribe
  • Get a quote

They are command words that help content writers create a sense of urgency and push readers to act at the drop of the hat. Also, using the abovementioned - concise language will guarantee that your message is clear for everyone. 

Emphasize the Value

The Internet is like a digital selling machine - millions of people sell and buy items, which is a positive thing. But, the competition gets tougher while the attention span of customers decreases drastically.

So, businesses should try to shine out of the crowded competition by having a clear product value. This is where a unique value proposition comes into play. It describes why customers prefer your product over others. 

Some examples of unique value propositions are:

  • Uber - is the smartest way to get around.
  • Mint - personal finance management made easy.
  • Apple iPhone - the experience is the product.

So, we can transfer these unique value propositions into CTA's easily:

  • Apple iPhone - experience the product.
  • Uber - get the fastest, easiest and smartest drive.
  • Mint - manages personal finances with ease.

Foster the Curiosity

Curiosity is one of the core drivers of human actions. You can foster customers' interest by delivering the CTA like: Learn how the former taxi driver has turned into a 6 figure earner in a month.

The main trick is to present the result of a journey but hide the story behind it.

Work on the Design

Alongside the copy, design elements are a huge factor of remarkable CTA.

  1. CTA elements should be noticeable with vibrant color that contrasts the background of your website. 
  2. CTA should look clickable. So, we recommend you use 3D effects for it.
  3. Size plays a huge role in developing a CTA. Usually, the bigger your CTA elements are, the more it gets under the reader's eyes. So, try to outstand the CTA with sizing that fits into the overall picture well. 
  4. Understand the user experience - get the scoop on the customer journey, a path that readers go before they act. Let's say you have a concert landing page. You will place the CTA Button - Buy after the agenda section.

What Are Some Principles of Effective Email Copywriting?

Create Effective Subject Line

When you are writing an email, the subject line is the only thing email recipients can see. It is crucial to make a powerful impact on readers with your subject line.

You may have one of the most effective copies - but users will never see it if you don't craft a great subject line. 

  • Make your subject line short.
  • Avoid spam words. Your email may get into the spam folder.
  • Ask a question - what gets your content more than 10k monthly clicks?
  • Include a deadline - Last chance to buy
  • Write teaser subject line - Twitter sues Elon Musk.
  • Give commands - download the white paper.

Write a Perfect Preview Text

When you're sending an email, it's important to think about more than just the subject line. The preview text—the snippet of text that appears in people's inboxes before they open the message—is also key to getting your point across.

Many email marketers overlook this aspect of the email message, but your recipients need to see it, so make it unique and get straight to your point. Keep your preview text short, and remember that it may be truncated in certain inboxes. Test your preview text to get feedback on what works and what doesn't work for your audience.

Add Personal Touch - Include a Name and Use You

Refer to your customer with their name and use you in your writing.

It gives a more personalized experience to your readers and makes them feel welcomed and appreciated.


We hope this guide has given you a better understanding of what copywriting is, the skills you need to succeed, and the different types of copywriting you can pursue.

If you’re looking for help with your copywriting projects, our team of expert copywriters at greatcontent can assist you.

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