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How to Create a Top-Notch Content Marketing Strategy in 10 Steps

Content marketing strategy is a technique that helps to grow your business. A content marketing strategy will help you create clear goals and priorities, develop an effective plan, and set content creation processes.
How to Create a Top-Notch Content Marketing Strategy in 10 Steps

Introduction to Content Marketing Strategy

Whether you want to create a marketing strategy from scratch or revisit your current one, this article will help you get fresh ideas and make your marketing strategy up-to-date. 

We will delve into the concept of content marketing, why it is decisive to have a plan, and the steps needed to create the strategy.

What Is Content Marketing?

Content marketing is the process of creating, distributing, and sharing relevant pieces via multiple content platforms.

  • Blog Post
  • Newsletter
  • Social Media Post
  • Video
  • Infographic
  • Whitepaper

Unique content strives to demonstrate expertise and interact with prospects.  

Producing consistent communication materials that will educate users makes a difference. This way companies make it plain that customers are more than just buyers.  

In content we trust! Dedicated usage of content marketing leads to the foundation for long-term relationships. Therefore, prospects are more likely to choose companies that care about them and provide valuable information.

Content Marketing vs. Traditional Marketing

Content Marketing

Content marketing is the art of communicating without direct sales. Moreover, this approach is non-interruptive and does not annoy people with standard sales pitches. 

Instead of pitching, it invests in the enlightening audience, but content marketing is not a charity as businesses get loyalty and sales back.

Traditional Marketing

Rather than providing valuable information, traditional marketing focuses on sales-specific information. Plus, the interaction with prospects occurs interruptedly. This strategy covers a broader audience- even though they may never ask for it.

Traditional marketing tries to get attention in multiple forms

  • TV ads
  • Radio announcements
  • Telemarketing
  • Direct mails
  • Print ads and billboards

The Reaction of Customers in the Digital Era

The marketing trends have changed occasionally. There was a time when commercials crashed our tv shows and consequently irritated all the viewers. 

The traditional face of paid marketing still goes strong digitally, but people's reaction stays constant. Rather than dazzling ads, customers, attention is stimulated by the real added value of helpful information. That is why content marketing ideally meets their needs with ease.

Contributing to inbound marketing, if executed properly, will live up to your expectations. Your business will attract new customers, generate leads and catch the eyes of Google.

What Are the Types of Content Marketing?

Video Content

Video content is a great way to boost engagement with your audience. It should be relevant and on-brand, offer value, and teach something new or improve user experience. Video can also help you drive brand awareness and build trust by demonstrating the brand's product or service.

There are several different types of video content that you can create for your business. You could produce a tutorial about how to use a new tool, make a promotional video about your product line, or even create an educational video about project management basics.

Blogs / Articles

Blogging is the content type that highlights the brand's expertise, values, and personality by building on its knowledge and creating original stories. It is a popular way to promote your brand and gain exposure. Blogging can help you spread messages, share content with an audience, generate leads, and increase traffic to your site.

An SEO-optimized blog produces quality content that will help users find your website while also helping to boost your site's rankings in the SERP.

White Papers

A white paper is a document that provides detailed information about a specific topic. They are often used to promote or sell products or services.

White papers are often presented as gated content that customers can access after they fill out the registration form. Therefore, the company receives customer data and potential leads to work on.

You can distribute white papers quickly across the web. Second, white papers are usually well written and formatted, which makes them look professional and authoritative. Finally, white papers have a high clickthrough rate - meaning people tend to read them through!

They're also commonly used to create a sense of urgency around a product or service, leading people to buy it.


E-books make great content marketing tools because they allow your business to reach a wider audience and provide them with more information than what can be found on the website alone. They can also be a great way to generate leads and customers.

E-books are great for sharing detailed industry insights, proving your expertise, and building an authoritative reputation.

E-books have become increasingly popular over the past few years, and there is no doubt that they will continue to grow in popularity moving forward. As a result, it is essential for businesses interested in the content marketing world to consider e-books as an option for their customers.


A webinar is a live, online event where participants can join in on the conversation. Webinars are a great way to connect with your audience and learn about new trends or tips.

Webinars are a great way to connect with your audience and learn about new trends or tips. By hosting a webinar, you can reach numerous people than you would otherwise be able to because so many people use online tools to stay connected. Plus, webinars are low-cost and easy to promote - all you need is a website and some marketing materials.


A quiz challenges customers and prospects to answer questions with points or rewards.

You can use quizzes to increase engagement with your content and allow users to learn more about your brand or product. They can also be used as an opportunity for businesses to collect feedback from their audience.

By incorporating quizzes into your content marketing strategy, you can help improve user retention and loyalty by providing valuable information and increasing engagement.


A checklist is a list of instructions or tasks that needs to be completed They are commonly used in business settings to help people improve their management process, stay organized and improve their productivity.


Podcasts are a great way to expand your reach and connect with new audiences. One of the great benefits of creating podcasts is that it puts a human face and voice on your brand.

They're also excellent for promoting your brand, building customer relationships, and creating engaging and valuable content.

Podcasts have become increasingly popular because they offer several benefits over traditional media formats.

First, they're versatile - you can use them for any content marketing strategy.

Second, they're highly shareable - people love sharing things they've learned in podcast episodes online.

Finally, podcasts tend not to cannibalize one another's audience like other forms of content do. So even if you don't have time to create new content, a podcast can still be a great way to promote your brand and reach new audiences.

Social Media Content

Social media posts are content you publish on your social media accounts to share with your followers. They can be anything from a blog post to a video, and they're a great way to share your brand's story, promote new products or services, and engage with your followers.

Publishing social media content is integral for any marketing strategy - it helps you develop two-way communication and build relationships. Sharing valuable and entertaining content gains loyal followers who support your brand through word-of-mouth marketing.

Content that is well-written, creative, and engaging will resonate with social media users - resulting in higher engagement rates and more shares.


Infographics use graphics and visual elements to explain complex topics in an easy-to-understand way. They are popular among consumers and businesses due to their ability to capture attention and communicate complex ideas.

Infographics create visual representations of their brand or products. They can also be used as marketing tools to help educate consumers about important topics.

Infographics are often shared on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, where they can reach an audience quickly. As a result, creating effective infographics is essential for any business looking to increase its online visibility and reach.


Newsletters are an excellent way to keep your audience updated on the latest happenings at your business. They are a great way of providing customers with valuable content and information about new products, discounts, and sales.

Because newsletters are sent out regularly (every few weeks, for example), they provide a fantastic way to build relationships with your customers. If you send out informative, engaging newsletters relevant to your audience, you will see higher conversion rates and more loyal customers.

What Are the Goals of Content Marketing Efforts?

Ranking on Search Engines

Search engines like Google strive to deliver users the best search results that satisfy their intent. And do you know what provides people with the most relevant information? Valuable content that educates customers and helps them solve their pain points.

A well-executed content marketing strategy is essential for inbound marketing success. However, many businesses overlook the importance of quality content and focus on link building and technical SEO. While these are important, they will not help you as much as creating valuable content. This value will get you better rankings on Google SERP, bringing more traffic to your site.

Improving Company Awareness and Generating Traffic for Business

Content marketing strives to create and distribute relevant, informative, and entertaining content to attract and engage customers.

If you commit to constantly producing content marketing pieces, you will get more visitors who will hear about your company.

Toyota is an example of how content marketing in the automotive industry can further build brand awareness. Their approach to content marketing - sharing news, ownership stories, tips, test drives, etc. is valuable for their audience.

For example, you created a blog about keyword research with the best SEO practices and ranked #1 on Google. You will have the potential to pull more than 10 000 visitors alone from that article.

Engaging with Customers

Engagement is the best method to get visitors to convert into customers.

Content is one of the most important marketing techniques to connect with customers. You can use it to educate customers about your product or service, entertain them, and provide guidance, product recommendations, or buying advice.

Showcase Brand Personality

Brand personality is the way a brand communicates its unique characteristics to customers. It includes everything from the tone of voice used in marketing communications to the design and layout of websites.

When people visit your website, they'll see your brand personality in all aspects - from the design and layout of your pages to the tone and language used in your marketing materials.

Creating a well-defined brand personality can be difficult, but it's worth it if you want to improve your overall sales performance. By understanding how people perceive your company, you can create content that resonates with them. Think of Jeep - they demonstrate their challenging and adventurous personality across various channels. Also, Jeep on their social media mentions the feeling of unity with the hashtag JeepFamily.

Earning Brand Loyalty

Brand loyalty is a strong emotional connection that consumers have with a brand. It's the tendency for customers to remain loyal to a particular product or service, even in difficult times.

Several factors contribute to brand loyalty. But one of the most important is content. It creates positive associations with a brand and helps customers feel like they know and trust the company. This trust leads to customer loyalty, which is essential for businesses in today's competitive marketplace.

Content marketing efforts should focus on creating valuable content that meets the needs of your target audience. This type of customer-centric approach will allow you to develop long-term relationships.

Educating Customers

Again the crucial goal of content marketing is to share expertise and give away valuable information.

Today the user approach to brands has changed and improved. Now, people think about their favourite brands as friends who help them learn new things and get inspired.

By educating their customers, businesses build trust and loyalty over time. They also create a more informed customer base that is more likely to take action on the business' recommendations or products. The renowned CRM software - Hubspot hosts the Youtube channel Hubspot Hacks where they educate their audience in multiple ways.

Generating More Leads

Content marketing can help businesses generate leads by increasing the visibility of their brand and creating valuable content relevant to their audience.

Increasing Conversion Rate

People are more likely to convert if they find value in what you have to offer. Content provides this value by educating customers, inspiring them, and entertaining them. By creating valuable content relevant to your target market, you can increase the chances that people will take action - such as signing up for your email list or clicking through to a landing page.

Improving Social Engagement and PR

When you create valuable content for your visitors, they will become advocates for your business. Advocates are transformative for marketing ROI because they will follow you on social media, engage with you, and share your content with friends. In short, they will amplify your message and help you reach a larger audience.

Your content is your brand's best ally for building an army of social media advocates. In addition, a PR strategy can work hand in hand with a content strategy to amplify your results. You can start by targeting high-authority blogs and publications. Then, use their clout to help you reach top blog/media sites. It will give your content the exposure it needs to succeed from the ground up.

When you produce great content, it benefits your site's SEO and catches the attention of other publishers. As they start to link back to your content, their readers will see those links and visit your site. It leads to better social engagement and amplified PR.

How Do You Create a Content Marketing Strategy?

1. Define Your Goals

Your business goals are the ultimate reason you're creating content in the first place. They should be clear and concise and motivate you to produce quality content that meets your audience's needs.

The goal of any content marketing strategy is to create awareness for your brand and drive traffic to your website. But what happens after people find out about you? If your goals don't include increasing sales or generating leads, then it's likely that your content isn't helping you reach those objectives. Make sure that each piece of content you produce reflects the strategic goals of your business - otherwise, it'll be challenging to measure success.

Your business goals will also help you determine which types of content are most effective for promoting your brand. For example, if you want to increase website traffic, producing blog posts will likely be a more effective approach than creating infographics or videos.

Once you've defined your business goals, make sure to track progress every step using tools like Google Analytics or Hootsuite Pro. This data will help you identify trends and make adjustments as needed.

In addition to defining the personas, a content strategy sets goals. What do you want to achieve with the published content? Your goal could be the launch of a new product or the strengthening of the brand identity. Another goal could be to make your company more visible on social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, or LinkedIn

You increase the likelihood of achieving your goals if they are verifiable:

S = Specific (specific, that is, your goal should not be "more success," but for example, "more revenue")

M = Measurable (measurable: Choose clear and quantifiable key performance indicators)

A = Accepted (objectives must have a recognizable meaning to be accepted by all parties)

R = Realistic (realistic, workable; the goal must be achievable)

T = Timebound; ( Specify a time when you reach the goal)

2. Create Personas

We always recommend creating personas. They are fictional people who represent a target group with their 

  • Demographics - gender, age, ethnicity, income, etc
  • Goals and Values - what are the goals and standards or judgment they stand on?
  • Behaviours - how do they act in specific situations?
  • Challenges- what are the challenges they want to tackle to simplify their daily lives?
  • Source of Information - what channels do they use to receive information? (Social media, digital media, tv, magazines, personal experiences)

At greatcontent, for example, we have a persona called Maureen. Maureen is 35 to 45 years old and has been a marketing expert for ten years. Max studies business administration and works for us as a freelance copywriter to pay for his holidays. 

How do we know our target group so well? From experience, analyses, and feedback that we regularly collect and evaluate from our customers and linguists.

3. Conduct Content Audit

Before you act, it is a good idea to look back and get the measure of your top and lowest performing content. Reviewing your previous efforts will help you determine what resonates with your audience the most. Also, it will help you identify future actions and the directions to follow.

4. Write Down the Problems You Will Solve for Your Target Audience

Your product or service solves the problem of your target audience. Content acts the same - since it mentors and enlightens your prospects via this problem. 

Your personas document and business specification will help you identify the pain points. In the end, you will have a list of problems that will assist you exceptionally in finding future content topics.

5. Choose Preferable Content Types

You may be enticed to launch a TikTok account and upload videos, but your audience may be totally on the other side of the moon. Otherwise, you will produce content without an address.

For example, If your audience prefers long-form text content, you may opt for Whitepapers. If you have a younger audience that likes short-form content, you may start posting on LinkedIn.

Information content includes articles, blog posts, videos, etc., that provide users with facts or insights about a topic. This content is helpful for customers who want to learn more about a subject and for unbiased opinions on a topic.

Entertainment content helps people escape from their everyday lives and relax by providing them with interesting stories or videos. This type of content can be enjoyed by anyone who wants something fun to read or watch.

Guidance content offers advice on how to live better lives or make decisions in specific situations. People often turn to this content when they need advice but don't know where to start.

6. Identify Your Content Distribution Channels

Some businesses create content designed to be shared on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Others may create blog posts that can be published on their website or emailed to their subscribers. Still, others may produce video content on YouTube or other video-sharing websites.

experiment with different distribution channels to see which ones work best for your brand and target audience. Testing various methods and formats will help you determine which channels are most effective and reach as many people as possible.

7. Brainstorm Content Ideas

The best way to brainstorm content ideas is to think of the type of content that your target audience would find interesting and then convert those topics into articles.

There are many different ways to brainstorm ideas for content. Here are some tips that can help you start your process:

  • Write down words, phrases, or subjects as they come to you.
  • Keep a list of keywords that give your content ideas.
  • Brainstorm with friends and colleagues to get more outside perspectives on what they think would be good topics

8. Create a Content Calendar

A content calendar is a document that lists the dates and times that your organization will publish new content.

A content calendar can be helpful for several reasons. First, it can help you stay on schedule and ensure that your organization publishes new pieces at the right time. Second, it can help you plan your marketing efforts around new content releases, ensuring that your messages get to the right audience at the right time. And finally, a well-organized content calendar can help you track which topics are most popular among your audience and develop more targeted content ideas accordingly.

There are a few key things to keep in mind when creating a content calendar: first, make sure to list both published and unpublished dates/times. This way, you'll be able to track both finished and still-in-progress pieces of content. Second, consider including long-term (6 months or longer) and short-term (1 week or less) plans for each date/time slot. It will give you enough flexibility to adapt as needed but maintain some degree of predictability for your readers/viewers. Third, try not to overcrowd any given date/time slot - spacing out new posts over multiple weeks or months will make them more likely to be read and shared.

9. Promote Your Pieces

Promoting your content is a critical part of SEO. You can do this by creating a blog post, guest posting on other sites, and publishing articles in press releases to drive traffic back to your site. You can also use paid advertising to promote your content and convert users into customers.

10. Track Your Results

Measuring the effectiveness of content is crucial. It's no use investing in beautifully written content if it doesn't engage users or result in conversions. And it's also no good if we fail to learn from our marketing successes and failures.

That's why content marketing KPIs are so important. They allow us to assess the strength of our strategy and refine our techniques for future campaigns.

KPIs, or Key Performance Indicators, are an essential tool for all digital marketing professionals, and at greatcontent, we always advise that clients employ them efficiently. To help you maximize their impact, we've prepared a shortlist of KPI tips to help you set the right goals for every campaign. 

Understand How KPIs Fit Into the Content Marketing Funnel

To start with, different KPIs apply to different stages of the marketing funnel. So, at the top of the funnel, marketers tend to be concerned more with building an audience and promoting products. 

At this stage, it makes sense to use KPIs that are set up for measuring brand awareness. It could involve setting targets for time spent by visitors on your site, the raw number of new site visitors per week, and new follower numbers.

This changes as we descend the marketing funnel. Towards the bottom, we tend to be more concerned with ROI and conversions. It means understanding how efficiently content turns leads into conversions, using metrics like cost-per-click.

2. Why SEO KPIs Are Vital for Business Performance

The top of the funnel lies outside their website or social media channels. Instead, their initial focus will be on SEO performance.

This is an area where tightening up your KPIs is a no-brainer. For instance, these metrics will be useful when building a solid SEO strategy:

  • Organic search traffic - A raw measurement of how many visitors arrive at your content via conventional search engines.
  • Mobile search traffic - Increasingly important, this metric lets you assess how effectively your content reaches smartphone users. If it dips below organic search rates, some content optimization may be needed.
  • Keyword rankings - Each piece of content can be graded based on how it performs on Google searches for important keywords, giving you a clear picture of which keywords to focus on in the future.

The aim here is to maximize the number of visitors relative to SEO spending. We know that's not the end game for content marketing, but it's a vital starting point. 

Without clearly laid out, properly analyzed SEO KPIs, it's not possible to create well-crafted SEO content optimization strategies. But with the data, you can launch your pages into the highest reaches of the search engine rankings.

3. Choose the Right User Engagement KPIs

Let's return to the top of the funnel for a second. As we mentioned earlier, in this section of content marketing campaigns, KPIs are all about attracting and engaging potential customers, who then become potential leads.

There are plenty of KPIs we could use here. Not all will be relevant for your specific campaign, so finding a profitable mix is essential. For instance, you could use:

  • Pageviews - a simple measurement of how many unique visitors have reached each specific piece of content.
  • Time spent on pages - alongside page views, it's crucial to know how much time users devote to absorbing each text or video. This metric gives a very neat read-out of which pages are the most immersive.
  • Bounce rate - this matters if the aim is to draw users into other parts of a content system. It measures how many users leave after viewing just one page. If you want to attract them to dig deeper, it's an essential KPI.
  • Scroll depth - this tracks how far down a page visitors read before moving on. It helps assess long-form content.
  • Repeat visits vs. unique visitors - measuring how regularly users visit your content can give a great image of how engaged people are. If you attract plenty of unique visits, but few comebacks, there may be an issue to address.
  • Conversions and leads generated - you should also asses every content based on its ROI. There's no sense in working hard to develop engagement if your content doesn't result in both leads and conversions. This links back to the idea of the funnel: if the content doesn't "move" traffic downwards towards a conversion, it isn't working as designed.

4. Learn How to Use Social Engagement KPIs

While user engagement is essential, most of us don't just rely on optimizing our websites to engage leads. Social media and audience management are just as necessary to attracting traffic into the marketing funnel. This makes social engagement KPIs vital.

Basic KPIs matter here. For example:

  • Likes and shares - Provide evidence of your content's effectiveness but shouldn't be considered in isolation.
  • Reach - This gives an idea of the potential audience for each piece of social media content and helps you understand what proportion of viewers chose to like or share. 
  • Brand mentions - Expanding awareness of your brand is a critical social media goal, so it often makes sense to track how often users discuss your core brand or products.

Fundamentally, KPIs should tell us how likely social media users are to see our content and take the actions we want them to take. If we notice a discrepancy between reach and likes, something is wrong. And if we see a drop-off in brand mentions, we should also take action.

5. Link KPIs to Flexible Content Production

Finally, we need to mention the value of using KPIs to inform your content strategy. Ideally, analysis feeds directly into content production, so it's possible to produce content perfectly tailored for your marketing funnel and reflects the data generated by previous campaigns.

In other words, the funnel is a feedback loop, which makes content more effective with each pass-through.

What Are Content Marketing Mistakes to Avoid?

Content marketing is a powerful way to connect with your target audience and promote your business. However, it can be risky if you don't do it correctly. Avoid making some common mistakes by following these tips:

  • Relying too much on paid advertising - Advertising can be expensive, and it's crucial to have other ways of generating traffic if you need to use ads. Paid ads may work in the short term but will likely lose their effectiveness over time.
  • Plagiarising - It's easy for businesses to copy from others without putting thoughts into their originality or what their target audience might want or need. It won't make you stand out among your competitors it could backfire.
  • Creating duplicate or unnecessary content - Duplicate content means you're publishing the same information multiple times across different platforms (such as websites, blog posts, social media, etc.). Not only is this a redundant effort on your part, but Google also penalizes websites full of rehashed material.
  • Not Having a clear strategy - If you don't have a plan for what you're going to do with your content, it's hard to know whether it's working. Ensure that your content marketing strategy aligns with your business goals and objectives.
  • Evaluate and adjust as needed - The most successful.

Meet Your Content with Customer Journey

Awareness Stage

The Awareness Stage is the first step of the customer journey, and it's during this stage that a brand or product is introduced to a potential customer. It can happen through word-of-mouth marketing, social media, or other forms of advertising.

During the Awareness Stage, customers learn about your product or service and may be unsure if they want to invest in it. Businesses need to create content that educates and entertains potential customers at this stage. So, they're more likely to consider buying your product or using your service.

Some tips for creating effective awareness stage content include writing blog posts focused on essential topics related to your product or service, creating video tutorials, and publishing articles that discuss relevant issues. Additionally, it's crucial to keep track of what's happening in the industry so you can make informed decisions about marketing strategy.

Once a customer has decided to invest in your product or use your service, she enters the Engagement Stage. The Engagement Stage is where you convert leads into paying customers and ensure their satisfaction with your product or services. At this stage, businesses need to continue providing valuable content that meets the needs of their customers at all stages of the customer journey.

Consideration Stage

The consideration stage is the first step in the customer journey, and it's where businesses assess whether a potential customer is worth pursuing. In this phase, businesses gather information about their target audience and determine whether they match any of the company's current needs or desires.

Businesses collect data such as demographics, interests, and purchase trends. This information helps companies decide which products or services to offer and how best to reach their target audience.

Once a business has determined that its target market is interested in what they have to offer, they move on to the acquisition stage.

Decision Stage

In the decision stage of the customer journey, a prospect is weighing options and making a purchase.

The decision stage of the customer journey can be broken down into three stages: consideration, analysis, and purchase. A prospect is exploring different options.  They are considering which product or service would be best for them. This phase can take from seconds to weeks. After consideration, analysis begins where the prospect takes in all the information about the product or service and decides whether or not to buy it. This phase can last anywhere from minutes to hours. Finally, purchase happens when the prospect makes a final decision and completes their transaction with the business.

One of the most important things businesses can do during this stage is provided relevant content that meets the needs of their target audience. This content can help prospects make informed decisions about buying products or services and can even influence their final choice in some cases. By providing high-quality content tailored to meet each customer's needs, businesses can create loyal customers who are more likely to recommend your company to friends and family.

Content Permit to Meet the Ideal Customer Journey

Your content strategy should have touchpoints for all five stages of the customer journey. So you can accompany the customer from the beginning (awareness) to the end (loyalty). So far, so good. Now, of course, the question arises, how do you effectively create material that engages your target group? The Hero-Hub-Hygiene model exists for just this. (LINK)

Your content strategy should have touchpoints for all five stages of the customer journey. That said, you can accompany the prospects from the beginning (awareness) to the end (loyalty). So far, so good. Now, of course, the question arises, how do you effectively create material that engages your target group? The Hero-Hub-Hygiene model exists for just this. (LINK)

Imagine a pyramid. The foundation is the hygiene content. That covers everything that is fundamentally important. For example

  • The about us page
  • FAQ lists
  • Product descriptions

In the first stages, you put a lot of work into it. But once up and running only needs updating when there are changes to the content marketing strategy.

Hygiene Content

The foundation is the hygiene content. That covers everything fundamentally important and relevant over the long term - FAQ lists, social media posts, and how-to guides. Hygiene is also known as evergreen content. It only changes if you drastically alter your content marketing strategy.

Hub Content

Hub content is your recurring, consistent content. It is something your audience awaits and comes back to check for some time.

  • Manuals
  • Step-by-step guides
  • Worksheets

Constant updates and dedication to the editorial calendar are the keys. That's how you handle the expectation. The content publishing frequency can range from 1 to 3 times per week. But, it depends on the company's strategy and views.

The hub content audience is familiar people who support you. No company should take them for granted. You want to maintain that relationship, and do not let it go.

Hero Content

Hero content does not arrive regularly. But when it does makes a stunning impact. Hero content takes tons of resources and does not occur overnight. Without thorough planning and development, it will not ever see the light.

The content types can include

  • Ultimate guides
  • Whitepaper
  • Courses

When creating hero and hub content for the first time, you should hire professional writers. Providing the best hero and hub content on time requires commitment and expertise. 

Greatcontent can assist you with content creation services and put off the weight on your shoulders.

 We'll ensure that your landing pages, blog posts, newsletters, your social media posts stay on trend and that multilingual copywriting captures as much attention as possible.

Who Will Produce Content?

In-House Content Writing

You can produce the content internally. If you have a specific team that will commit to content, go for it. Also, you should keep in mind that content strategy is not only a marketing initiative.

So, before you start doing anything else, create the content strategy and integrate it within the organization. 

You can nominate the person responsible for content curation: managing, scheduling, and implementing. That will help you to keep things under control.

What Are the Pros of In-House Content Writing?

  • Deep understanding of the Brand 
  • Direct access
  • Builds a Company Culture

What Are the Cons of In-House Content Writing?

  • Time-consuming
  • Expensive
  • Lack of in-house writers to handle content demands buy-in

Outsource Content Writing 

The way you present yourself online matters. No company wants to risk diluting the message or compromising the brand image. But, if you choose the right outsourcing partner, there's very little to fear. Moreover, outsourcing could be a viable and effective way to manage an editorial plan. You can boost leads and visibility with minimal time and HR investment.

What Are Outsourcing Options?

· Freelancers

· Agencies

How Much Does it Cost to Outsource Content?

Two options pop up when considering outsourcing content: hire an agency or a freelancer. 

Freelancers and agencies tend to charge according to:

· Hour

Freelancers: Per-hour payment is less favoured among writers. But the prices can range from 10€ to 60€ depending on experience. 

Agencies: Per hour count reaches from 20€ to 80€  

· Word Count

Freelancers: Typically, you will find rates from 0.02€ -to 0.10€. Writers with decent profiles and experience will charge at least 0.10€ per word. So the article with 1500 words will cost you 150€. It even goes higher with experience. Prices for expert articles can hit up to 0.30 €. 

Agencies: Per word count approximately ranges from 0,08- 0,20€ depending on your requirements. For expert articles, it can hit up to 0.50€ too.

What Are the Pros of Outsourcing to Freelancers?

  • Cheap
  • Easy to negotiate over terms
  • Experienced writers

What Are Cons of Outsourcing to Freelancers?

  • Hard to get 100% quality, sometimes even 90%
  • Lack of expertise and brand knowledge
  • Hard to find
  • Freelance writers can lack loyalty

What Are the Pros of Outsourcing Content to Agencies?

  • Offers all-inclusive packages
  • Frees up valuable time
  • Work with various writers
  • Work with various writers 
  • Publish lots of content 

What Are Cons of Outsourcing Content to Agencies

  • The most expensive option
  • Reaching unreliable agencies
  • Delays
  • Lack of inside knowledge of the companies

Hybrid Content Writing - Marketplace + Managed Services

What Are the Pros of Hybrid Content Writing?

  • Price service ratio
  • Increased productivity
  • Saving time for the other tasks

What Are Cons of Hybrid Content Writing?

  • Hard to manage
  • The risk of failing to align the brand voice

Where Will You Publish Content?


LinkedIn is a great place to publish content because it has the largest network of professionals in the world. LinkedIn members are influential people who can help promote your business or product.

So, LinkedIn is such a powerful tool for connecting with potential customers and partners. It's necessary to ensure your content is high quality and relevant to the LinkedIn community. By publishing engaging and valuable content, you'll be able to attract more leads and build stronger relationships with your target market. 

LinkedIn also offers email marketing capabilities that allow you to send targeted messages to your target market. By setting up automated emails, you can keep your list of customers updated on new products or services.

When publishing content on LinkedIn, choose the right type of content for your audience and purpose. For example, blog posts are great for sharing information about your business or product in an easy-to-read format. Articles provide valuable insights into subjects that are relevant to the LinkedIn community. Videos offer users a way to learn more about topics or products in a fun and engaging way. finally, images provide a visual representation of what's being written in articles or videos.


Facebook is a social media site where people can connect with friends and family, post updates, and share photos.

Publishing content on Facebook allows you to reach a broad audience of people interested in what you have to say. By promoting your content on the social media site, you will have the chance to generate more traffic and leads for your business.


Twitter is a platform where users can post short messages (known as tweets) that are public and accessible to everyone.

Twitter is great for sharing quick thoughts or ideas with your followers. You can also use it to share links or articles that you think they'll find interesting.


Youtube is a video-sharing website owned by Google that lets you upload and share videos. The site was founded in February 2005, it has more than 1 billion users and over 3 billion hours of video are watched on Youtube every day. Videos can be up to 10 minutes long and categorized by topic (for example, education, comedy, etc.).

Uploading and sharing videos on YouTube is a great way to get your message out there. Not only will people see your content across different social media platforms, but they'll also be able to access it from the comfort of their own homes. Plus, because YouTube is known for being search engine friendly, you're guaranteed to reach a large audience.


SlideShare is a presentation platform that lets users share presentations online.

SlideShare is a superb option for businesses to share their presentations with the world. By creating a SlideShare account and uploading your presentation, you can share it with anyone who wants to see it. You can embed Slideshows on your website, use them in email marketing campaigns, or even create an app using SlideShare's API.


Pinterest is a visual bookmarking website that allows users to collect and share pictures.

Pinterest has over 100 million active users and growing daily. It's used by brands and businesses of all sizes to help promote their products and content across all channels.

Guest Post on Other Blogs

Guest posting is a great way to promote your content and build relationships with other bloggers. It also allows you to network and learns from other professionals in the industry.

After submitting a guest post assure that the content is high quality and relevant to the blog's audience. If you're interested in writing a guest post for a specific blog, be sure to contact the blogger beforehand so they can get an idea of your writing style and what type of content they're looking for.

Finally, don't forget to share the link to your guest post on social media so your followers can check it out!


Medium is a platform where you can publish content accessible to a global audience. You can also use Medium to build relationships with other bloggers, connect with your audience, and share your insights and ideas.

The medium allows you to publish content that is accessible to a global audience. It makes it an excellent tool for sharing your insights and ideas with the world. Also, connecting with other bloggers, helps you build relationships and collaborate on projects. Finally, by sharing your thoughts and opinions on Medium, you allow others to learn about topics that matter to them.


Reddit is a social news website and forum where users can submit, vote on, and read articles.

Reddit is a great place to publish content because it's a popular site with a large audience. Reddit users are interested in finding new information. So, your content will be seen by a lot of people. Plus, Redditors are always looking for ways to have fun, which means your content may get some extra exposure due to viral sharing.


Quora is a social media platform where people ask and answer questions. It has an expansive database of millions of answers to thousands of different topics, all accessible through the search function.

What Are Examples of Content Marketing?

greatcontent Blog

HubSpot Blog


Airbnb Blog

Lifehacker Blog


How to Use Storytelling in Content Marketing?

Storytelling is a powerful tool for content marketing. It helps you connect with your audience on a personal level, and it can help you create engaging content that converts.

storytelling is a way of communicating information in an interesting, engaging way. It involves telling a story about something and using it to communicate an idea or message. Stories help people understand complex topics more easily, and they can also inspire them to take action.

When done well, storytelling can be one of the most effective tools for content marketing. By connecting with your audience on a personal level, storytelling can help you build trust and loyalty among your readers. In addition, stories that are well-written and easy to follow usually convert better than those that are dense or boring. So if you want to improve your content marketing strategy overall, learning how to use storytelling is essential!

What Are Content Marketing Campaigns?

A content marketing campaign is a series of coordinated activities designed to create and distribute valuable content to attract and engage customers.t help you reach your business goals. 

A good strategy for starting a successful content marketing campaign involves.

  • Planning the campaign objectives.
  • Determining who will be responsible for each stage of the Campaign,
  • Setting timelines.
  • Creating strategies and tactics for outreach & engagement (such as email campaigns & social media posts).
  • Measuring results regularly, making changes when necessary & course correcting along the way.

What Are the KPIs to Track for Your Content Marketing?

There are four key performance indicators that marketing managers and business owners should keep an eye on when it comes to content marketing. These include the conversion rate, cost per acquisition, bounce rate, and time on site. The content marketing goal is to help increase brand awareness and generate leads with a strong return on investment (ROI).

What Do You Need in Place to Start Planning and Producing Content Systematically?

To start planning and systematically producing content, you first need to know what your goals are. Are you trying to get more traffic? More leads? Or just optimize your current content? Once you know your goals, take the time to find out how much content is on your website and plan where that content needs to go.

What Do Content Marketers Do?

Content marketer creates, manages, and delivers high-quality content on behalf of their business. Content marketers have various skills required to succeed in the digital marketing landscape. It includes social media management, website design, content production skills, and copywriting abilities.

What Are the Components of Marketing Research?

Marketing research is the strategy that uses qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods to design marketing strategies. Marketing research can also be defined as all activities undertaken to better understand the target audience's wants and needs. and then develop marketing strategies to suit those needs.

What Is the Future of Content Marketing?

Quora is a social media platform where people ask and answer questions. It has an expansive database of millions of answers to thousands of different topics, all accessible through the search function.

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