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What You Need to Know When Tackling Your First Ebook
What You Need to Know When Tackling Your First Ebook
Introduction As a writer, you know that planning makes a world of difference. For an ebook, particularly a marketing ebook, planning and structure is even more crucial. Before you even begin to put pen to paper or fingers to laptop keys, there are several crucial steps. First, consider all the sections and subsections of the […]
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Les meilleurs conseils pour vos campagnes de marketing de contenu de Noël
Les meilleurs conseils pour vos campagnes de marketing de contenu de Noël
La saison des fêtes approche à grands pas : un moment décisif pour les magasins, lorsque les achats des clients sont à leur apogée, vous devrez donc penser au marketing de Noël pour prendre une longueur d'avance. Cette période festive n'a peut-être jamais été aussi importante pour les détaillants en ligne : avec la pandémie […]
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How to Know When to Outsource SEO
How to Know When to Outsource SEO
Introduction SEO has replaced TV and print advertising as the most important marketing technique, and businesses can rise or fall depending on how their content performs on the world's largest search engines. There are very few exceptions to this rule. Sometimes, your search performance may be solid without tweaking your marketing techniques. And some B2B […]
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31 Tips to Boost Christmas Content Marketing Campaigns
31 Tips to Boost Christmas Content Marketing Campaigns
Introduction Ho, Ho, Ho! Christmas is just around the corner. So, the holiday spirit of the most wonderful time of the year should be reflected in your content marketing efforts.  Christmas brings excellent opportunities for you to shape your brand loyalty not only over the holiday season but for the long term too.  Therefore, the […]
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Top Tips For Your Christmas Content Marketing Campaigns
Top Tips For Your Christmas Content Marketing Campaigns
Introduction The holiday season is fast approaching: the all-important make-or-break time for shops when customer purchasing is at its height, so you'll need to be thinking about Christmas marketing to get ahead of the curve. This festive time has perhaps never been more important for online retailers: with the pandemic ongoing, more people than ever will be […]
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Top Tipps für die besten Content-Marketing-Kampagnen zu Weihnachten
Top Tipps für die besten Content-Marketing-Kampagnen zu Weihnachten
Die Weihnachtszeit rückt immer näher und damit auch die für Unternehmen wichtigste Zeit des Jahres, wenn die Kauflaune der Kunden auf dem Höhepunkt ist. Sie sollten jetzt über Ihr Weihnachtsmarketing nachdenken, um der Konkurrenz einen Schritt voraus zu sein. Die Adventszeit war für Online-Händler wahrscheinlich noch nie so wichtig: pandemiebedingt werden mehr Menschen als je […]
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Les réseaux sociaux : une mine d'informations facilement accessibles grâce au social listening
Les réseaux sociaux : une mine d'informations facilement accessibles grâce au social listening
Vous avez envie de savoir ce que les internautes pensent vraiment de votre marque, déterminer quels sont leurs produits préférés, analyser leurs réactions à chaud ou découvrir si votre dernière campagne marketing a fait mouche ? Direction les réseaux sociaux ! Les messages postés sur des plateformes comme Facebook, Instagram, Twitter ou encore Reddit sont […]
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Social Listening ? der clevere Weg zu mehr Erfolg
Social Listening ? der clevere Weg zu mehr Erfolg
Social Listening ? was ist das eigentlich? Kurz gesagt, bedeutet es, das Flüstern und Diskutieren in den sozialen Medien zu verfolgen. Was erzählen Influencer über bestimmte Marken und Firmen? Wer interessiert sich für eure Produkte, und welche Trends sind aktuell bei potenziellen Kunden und bei den Mitbewerbern zu beobachten? Mit Social Listening Tools lassen sich […]
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Discover the Top Four Beauty eCommerce Trends Set To Dominate 2021
Discover the Top Four Beauty eCommerce Trends Set To Dominate 2021
Introduction When the beauty industry first started to flourish in eCommerce, this was largely connected to social media. Cosmetics content was so well suited to Instagram and Pinterest: customers would seamlessly move from browsing visually appealing content to clicking? Go to checkout? User-generated content and endorsements from influencers and bloggers would lead to huge increases in […]
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Writing and Editing - Two Very Different Tasks
Writing and Editing - Two Very Different Tasks
Introduction If you're a writer, chances are you're a great editor. You know how to effectively engage an audience, and how to structure a piece? not to mention the rules of grammar you've had to familiarise yourself with again and again. You have cultivated skills in creativity and expression within your writing, with analysis and perspective […]
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Learn more about SEO Content

Meaningful SEO texts are easy to find and a pleasure to read. That is why the quality and density of information play an important role. Google pays close attention to how many users click on your link in the search results
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